Kompakt løsning som skal bygges inn
Uniset er et vegg installasjonssystem for elementvegg som skal bygges inn, som er karakterisert ved et lukket hus. Installasjon med Uniset sparer tid og plass. Uniset lar deg dermed planlegge og implementere interessante gulvplanløsninger med optimal utbytte av rom.
GROHE Cistern

Thanks to GROHE EcoJoy™ technology, our sanitary systems enable you to significantly reduce your annual water consumption, by simply select the appropriate volume of water each time you flush.
Cisterns are supplied ex-factory for dual flushing with 6 liters (large flush) and 3 liters (small flush). Flush volumes can be adapted on-site (with or without accessory sets) to ensures compatibility with all ceramics and plumbing requirements.
The following flush combinations are possible:
- 6 and 3 liters
- 9 and 4.5 liters
- 4.5 and 3 liters
- 4 and 2 liters
Single flush, start/stop flushing and remote actuation are also possible.